The Fintechisation wave is happening, but you need the right tools to surf it.
Don't miss the opportunity to increase your Fintech capabilities and keep your pricing competitive. Here we have put together some content specifically for you and Agoda.
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Benefits just for Agoda
Increase conversions by pricing better than your competition.
Improve margins by contracting in the cheapest currency.
Expand your business into strategic markets by selling in more currencies.
Enhance the value of the firm by increasing cash flows and reducing risk.
Why is Kantox your best Fintech partner?
Kantox, part of BNP Paribas, is a leader in Currency Management Automation software. Our solution increases your fintech capabilities by automating the complex and time-consuming foreign exchange (FX) management process from pre-trade to post-trade.
Since its establishment in 2011, Kantox has garnered the trust of clients across 75 countries. Our unique solution covers the entire FX process, from accurate pricing with real-time exchange rates to hedging currency risk and optimising cash management. With the expertise of BNPP, combined with our innovative approach to currency management automation, we are the best Fintech Partner to stay ahead of the competition.
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