Reduce Long-Term Cash Flow Variability
Transform the way your treasury team reduces long-term cash flow variability with Kantox's innovative solutions. Our platform allows you to systematically apply layers of hedges to your forecasted FX-denominated long-term revenues and expenditures, allowing you to effectively ‘build’ your hedge rate in advance. Say goodbye to unpredictable cash flow and embrace financial stability.
Build the FX Rate in Advance
Build your FX rate in advance with Kantox’s layered hedging solution, by applying successive layers of hedges to your forecasted exposures. Maintain steady prices for as long as possible, even in the face of adverse currency market fluctuations, all while safeguarding your budgeted profit margins.

Reduce Hedge Rate Variability
Configure a time-based program and ensure that the average hedge rate shares many common spot elements with each other by applying layers of FX hedges. This makes it possible to achieve a smooth FX hedge rate, i.e., average hedge rates that display little change over time, allowing your business to maintain consistent prices steady and reduce cash flow variability.
Optimise Forward Points
Protect your company from unfavourable forward points, while taking advantage of favourable forward points with Kantox solutions. Whether you prefer calibrating the duration of your layered hedging program or utilising conditional orders, our platform helps you effectively manage the implications of forward rate discounts and premiums.

Build Flexibility
Easily adjust hedge ratios and the length of the layered hedging program at any time. Allow your finance team to build flexibility while being empowered to adapt to changing business models and volatile markets with confidence.
