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Cross-Currency Swaps
A cross-currency swap is an exchange of debt-service obligations denominated in one currency for the service on an agreed-upon principal amount of debt denominated in another currency. By swapping their future cash-flow obligations, the counterparties are able to replace cash flows denominated in on currency with cash flows in a more desired currency. A company borrowing in GBP at a fixed interest rate can convert its debt into a fully hedged USD liability by exchanging flows with another company with the opposite need. At each payment date, the company will pay a fixed interest rate in USD and receive a fixed rate in GBP. Unlike interest rate swaps, where no exchange of principal takes place, cross-currency swaps include the exchange of principal amounts at the start and at the end of the agreement. Depending on the nature of the corresponding interest rate payments —at a fixed or floating interest rate—, cross-currency swaps can be arranged as ‘fixed-for-fixed’, ‘fixed-for-floating’ or ‘floating-for-floating’.