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major currency pair
major currency pair

Major currency pairs are the most widely traded currency pairs: EUR-USD, USD-JPY, GBP-USD and USD-CHF. According to data from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the U.S. dollar is the most widely traded currency, being on one side of 88% of all trades in the $6.1 trillion/day FX market. Other major currency pairs include EUR-CHF, USD-CAD, AUD-USD. Major currency pairs are traded 24/5 all over the world in highly liquid markets, with low bid-offer spreads both in spot and forward markets.

managed floating exchange rate
managed floating exchange rate

A managed floating exchange rate (also known as dirty float’) is an exchange rate regime in which the exchange rate is neither entirely free (or floating) nor fixed. Rather, the value of the currency is kept in a range against another currency (or against a basket of currencies) by central bank intervention. By far the most significant system of managed floating exchange rate in recent years is the Chinese currency regime. At the start of each trading day, China’s central bank sets a ‘reference rate’ against which the renminbi is allowed to rise or fall no more than 2 per cent against USD in onshore trading. A managed floating exchange rate gives the central the power to set a corridor for the exchange rate, in order to avoid situations of currency over- or under-valuation. In order to be credible, a managed floating exchange rate has to be managed by an autonomous or semi-autonomous central bank with a high level of FX reserves, strong credibility. Above all, the target corridor for the exchange rate should not be too far away from market-based levels.


Margin is the security required from the borrower in all kinds of financial transactions. It protects lenders against the risk of a payment default. If a borrower fails to pay the amount owed on the due date, the lender can claim the collateral in order to minimise losses from the defaulted payment. Margin is a crucial element in loans and other financial instruments like forward or futures contracts, as it lowers the risk of default and limits the negative impact of any default to a transaction as well as, more generally speaking, to international trade and the financial markets.

margin call
margin call

A margin call is a demand to deposit additional funds or securities to cover possible losses. A margin call usually indicates that the collateral held for a given position has lost value. Let us imagine a situation where a ‘short’ EUR forward position is initiated, on which a 5% margin is requested. The position is ‘long’ USD 100,000 and the forward rate is EUR-USD 1.1111. Measured in EUR, the initial margin requirement is EUR 4,500 = 100,000 x 0.9000 x 0.05. If the forward rate moves to 1.1240, the forward position loses EUR 1,032.03. A margin call may be triggered if the ‘cover’ (the loss in proportion to collateral in deposit) falls below, say, 80%. This would be the situation in our example, as the ‘cover’ would be 77.07% = (4500 - 1,032.03)/4,500. An unheeded margin call on such a position may result in the automatic closing of the position at the prevailing market rate. That would happen if the ‘cover’ falls below, say, 60%.

margin deposit
margin deposit

A margin deposit refers to the funds held in security that is required as a protection against possible losses. Let us imagine a situation where a ‘short’ EUR forward position is initiated, on which a 5% margin is requested. The position is ‘long’ USD 100,000 and the forward rate is EUR-USD 1.1111. Measured in EUR, the initial margin requirement is EUR 4,500 = 100,000 x 0.9000 x 0.05. If the position shows losses, the margin deposit may need to be increased, depending on the severity of the loss.

margin requirement
margin requirement

Margin requirement is a financial concept related to the minimum amount in collateral that the issuer of a financial security requests from the buyer, to hedge against the risk of adverse price movements or the buyer defaulting.In the foreign exchange markets, businesses or individuals who wish to enter a currency forward contract in order to protect their exposure to exchange rate volatility are normally requested to deposit a minimum margin requirement.It acts as a surety against transactional default and provides other parties to a transaction with confidence that the counterparty will fulfil its contractual obligations.The margin requirement in currency exchange is normally in cash, deposited in a margin account. It is usually a percentage of the total amount to be transacted.Should the margin requirement change – as is regularly the case in currency transactions as exchange rates change continuously – there is a margin call, whereby the counterparty must deposit the shortfall in order to meet the new margin requirement.

margin risk
margin risk

Margin risk, in the context of FX risk management, refers to the impact of unexpected currency fluctuations on operating profit margins. A Europe-based exporter to the United States could see operating profit margins decrease in the event of a sharp EUR appreciation, as it would be forced to slash USD selling prices in order to maintain market share. A hard definition of margin risk management would be a stated policy of not having operating margin decrease by more than 5%, for example, due to the changes in exchange rates. Currency management, including pricing in foreign currencies and effective hedging programs, can go a long way in protecting a firm from FX-induced margin risk.


Mark-to-market is a valuation method aimed at providing a measurement based on current market conditions. Because mark-to-market is based on current market values, it gives a realistic picture of a company’s financial position. Originally introduced to assess the value of futures contracts, mark-to-market accounting has become prominently used in over-the-counter derivatives markets, including forward markets, where it is one of the main tools to calculate FX gains and losses. Mark-to-market has received criticism because in volatile times, it can provide results that do not accurately portray the true value of an asset or liability. If, for example, investor confidence in a certain market suddenly dissipates, leading to forced liquidations in the short-term, values could fall sharply, while not reflecting long-term valuation considerations.

market maker
market maker

In financial markets, the figure of a market maker defines any company with the power to set buy and sell prices of financial instruments or commodities. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission defines it as "a firm that stands ready to buy and sell a particular stock on a regular and continuous basis at a publicly quoted price".In practice, a market maker, also known as a liquidity provider, is a company or individual that quotes the bid and ask price of any commodity or financial product in order to make a profit from the bid/ask spread.In stock markets, market makers are the entities entitled to buy and sell stocks listed on an exchange, such as the London, New York or Tokyo stock exchanges.In the foreign exchange market, most trading firms and many commercial banks are market makers. They create a bid/ask spread between the price they pay for a specific currency and the price at which they sell that currency, in some cases applying significant surcharges.

market order
market order

In FX trading, a market order is an order to buy or sell a currency immediately, whether it is undertaken in the spot or forward market. This type of order guarantees that the order will be executed, but does not guarantee the execution price. A market order generally will execute at or near the current bid (for a sell order) or ask (for a buy order) price. However, it is important for traders and risk managers to remember that the last-traded price is not necessarily the price at which a market order will be executed. Other types of FX orders include limit orders, stop-loss orders and take-profit orders.

market risk
market risk

In portfolio theory, market risk is created by events that affect all or most asset markets. Whereas firm-specific risk (which affects one or a group of firms) can be countered with a strategy of diversification, market risk cannot be diversified away. For this reason, market risk is also known as undiversifiable risk. The coronavirus pandemic, which affected the entire world in 2020, is a perfect example of ‘undiversifiable’ market risk.

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