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Exchange Rate Risk

Exchange rate risk or foreign currency risk is the possibility that currency fluctuations can affect a firm’s expected future operating cash flows, i.e., its future revenues and costs. For companies desiring to take advantage of the growth opportunities derived from buying and selling in multiple currencies, effectively managing currency risk is an essential task. Exchange rate risk can be decomposed into: Pricing risk Accounting risk Transaction risk Operating risk Pricing risk refers to possible exchange rate fluctuations between the moment a company prices a transaction and the moment it is formally agreed. Accounting risk reflects changes in income statement and balance sheet items caused by currency fluctuations. Transaction risk refers to future FX-denominated cash flows that result from existing, contractually binding firm commitments (sales or purchase orders), whether or not the corresponding receivables/payables have been created. Operating risk measures the extent to which currency fluctuations alter the firm’s future operating cash flows, that is, its future revenues and costs. Finally, economic exposure comprises the two cash flow exposures: transaction exposure and operating exposure.