Découvrez les principales stratégies pour gérer le risque de change et optimiser vos
processus de gestion des devises avec ce webinaire animé par des experts
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Hedging Strategy Guide

Unexpected currency fluctuation is one of the main challenges for businesses looking for growth into foreign markets.   With this guide we provide CFOs and financial directors with a clear framework to take control of their risk management strategies and overcome this challenge.                

  • Discover how to fully identify your currency risk
  • Develop a comprehensive hedging strategy
  • Use the most suitable hedging tools
  • Improve your control and reporting systems

Related resources

How to Reduce Cash Flow Variability Under Any FX Scenario

Kantox Webinar: The Secrets Behind 'Hedging the Budget'

Masterclass FX Management : Webinaire édition été 2024

Automate your Currency Management