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How To Reduce the Cost of Hedging With EUR

Operating with foreign currencies shouldn't be a worry for international companies based in Europe. Find out how to mitigate the Euro’s heavy forward premium with automated solutions.

  • The Euro’s heavy forward premium

Does your company have assets denominated in foreign currencies? Then you know hedging exposure can be very costly. Discover the automation solutions that can help.

  • Saving costs with conditional orders

Thanks to conditional FX orders, European companies can hedge at the right time, saving significant costs. Learn more about automating hedging execution.

  • European corporates: a solution for intercompany loans

Looking to avoid the negative impact of intercompany loans in discount currencies? We share tips to help you save on the cost of carry.

  • Finding the optimal pricing strategy

Avoid excessive markups with an effective pricing strategy. Inside this report, you will find out how to price with the right FX rate while keeping your FX risk under control.