Sehen Sie sich unser Webinar „The Secrets Behind Layered Hedging“ an, um zu erfahren,
wie Sie den FX-Hedge-Kurs im Laufe der Zeit glätten und Cashflow-Schwankungen reduzieren können
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4 Reasons To Improve FX Risk Management Travel Infographic

Find out why you should have a strong currency strategy to succeed in the multi-currency world and come on top of your competitors. Inside this infographic for Travel companies, you will learn: 

  • The 4 reasons to improve your FX risk management process

Discover the 4 main drivers to increase your competitiveness in the Travel industry.

  • The advantages of centralising your FX risk management

Learn why centralisation is the secret to boost your profit margins in every FX transaction.

  • The power of automation

We will show you how automation impacts your business and streamlines your control over FX risk.

Related resources

Verringerung der Cashflow-Schwankungen in jedem FX-Szenario

Kantox Webinar: The Secrets Behind 'Hedging the Budget'

4 Reasons To Improve FX Risk Management Travel Infographic

Automate your Currency Management