Kantox has been awarded Best Risk Management Solution 2025 by TMI
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Exposure Processing Software

Create valore e surclassate i vostri concorrenti con il programma di gestione FX personalizzato che meglio si confà alle vostre dinamiche aziendali

Exposure Processing

Our comprehensive solution tackles the challenges of exposure management by automating FX exposure management in the pre-trade phase. By reducing reliance on manual processes and spreadsheets, you eliminate the risk of human error, improve accuracy, and free up the treasury team to focus on more strategic activities.

Cash Flow Hedging Solutions

Our cash flow hedging programs are designed to help you manage the exposure that comes in the shape of:


Whether you want to keep your prices stable for one period or several periods

Balance Sheet Hedging Solutions

Balance sheet hedging programs are designed to help you manage the exposure coming from invoices.

Elaborazione dei dati senza errori

Eliminate gli errori di inserimento manuale e altri rischi operativi lasciando che il software esegua un numero illimitato di istruzioni.  

FAQs about Exposure Processing

Automatizzate la gestione valutaria